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The Confessions of Affection Podcast 

How do you love? 

​​​Listen NOW on Apple Podcasts or Spotify

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Confessions of Affection is a podcast where I read Love Letters from submitted by you, the listener!


Writing a love letter is open to your interpretation. Maybe you have one already written, maybe you write something new, maybe you write to a person, a thing, a fantasy person, yourself - all is fair game! â€‹

​​​Writing love letters may be a process of release, of manifestation, of confessing hidden feelings. They may be seen as casting a spell or closing a door. Love letters are a form of art. They can be true, they can be fiction, they can be fantasy or simply an act of creative writing.

​Your original love letters can be written to anyone or anything. They can be real or imagined. The letters must be of your own original creation.


When it comes to love, all emotions may be present - longing, pain, hurt, sadness, and anger may be expressed in conjunction with love.


If you submit a response to your original letter (from another person or partner who wrote back to you) please be kind and respectful by gaining their permission or altering their responses to preserve privacy. You are also welcome to submit anonymously and do not need to leave your email address for me to connect with you. It is all up to your comfort! 


Please no graphic (sexual or violent) content.

I reserve the right to censor or leave out inappropriate content. I reserve the right to not use your submission for the podcast.  â€‹

Submit your Love Letter to The Confessions of Affection Podcast! 

Thank you! If you leave your email, I will notify you if and when I use your letter! 

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